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Deep Patterns

The main specialization of Deep Patterns company is development and promotion of software for analysis of large amounts of data.

Deep Patterns is working on an innovative technology called BD2K. This technology uses local geometry, with the help of which you can find different rules in data, arrange calculations and visualize structures. The company's solution can be indispensable in industries that have complex structural relationships. Such areas may include bioinformatics, applied chemistry and so on. The main goal of the Deep Patterns project today is to create a competitive product and make its development commercial.

At the moment Deep Patterns can boast of innovative technology for the analysis of large data, which has no analogues. This technology is based on the author's concept of context-dependent local metrics. The main areas of application for the new innovative technology are banks, insurance companies, CRM, telecommunications companies, e-commerce organizations, marketing companies, stock markets, etc. Deep Patterns' technology has proven itself best in scientific fields that include bioinformatics with chemometrics.

One of the main advantages of the innovative technology developed by Deep Patterns is the ability to conduct parallel computing. This increases the scale and efficiency when it comes to analyzing large data. With the development of Deep Patterns, business owners will be able to optimize the activities of their company and realize competitive advantages. Also thanks to the same system it is possible to improve financial performance and reduce costs, taking the company to a fundamentally different level in terms of service provision. All members of the Deep Patterns team are specialists in their fields. We are talking about Doctors of Engineering and people with decades of experience in software development.

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