Moskabel-Fujikura specializes in the production of optical cables for backbone, city and local communication networks.
Joint Stock Company Moskabel-Fujikura was founded in 1999 by Moskabelmet together with the Japanese firm Fujikura. For many years Moskabel-Fujikura has been taking leading positions in the market of optical communication cable in Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States.
Technological capabilities of Moskabel-Fujikura allow to produce optical communication cables with the filling up to 1152 optical fibers with the allowable tensile force up to 100 kN of different fire safety classes, including fire-resistant optical cables: -n, -ng(A), -ng(A)-HF, -ng(A)-LS, -ng(A)-FR, -ng(A)-LTx, which is confirmed by the availability of appropriate certificates, as well as any types of optical cables, taking into account additional customer requirements.
The company Moskabel-Fujikura produces all basic types of optical cables: for laying in the ground, in cable sewerage, suspended with a remote power element, self-supporting, for laying in pipes by pneumatic blow, intra-object, distribution, subscriber, drop cables, as well as optical cables combined with current-conducting elements.
The range of Moskabel-Fujikura products is constantly expanding - the company regularly develops and introduces into production new promising designs of optical cables.
In addition, the company carries out complex deliveries of products: optical cables, including terminated cable assemblies together with fasteners for fiber installation, tools for working with optical cable and fiber, couplings, measuring equipment.
World manufacturers equipment
Moskabel-Fujikura has technological equipment of the leading world manufacturers: Nextrom (Finland), Maillefer (Finland), Rosendahl (Austria), Mali (Austria), Medek & Schorner (Austria), Dunst (Austria), Sket (Germany) and others.
The company uses optical fiber produced by Japanese company Fujikura or, upon customer's request, optical fiber of other manufacturers in cable production. In cabel production Moskabel-Fujikura also uses materials of famous Russian and international manufacturers: Dupont (USA), Borealis (Finland), Herkula (Germany) and many others.
Production capacity of the plant is up to 35 thousand km of cable per year
The company has a quality management system that covers the entire process from cable design and materials acquisition to acceptance tests and product delivery to the customer. Technical control at all stages of production and professionalism of the staff allow to maintain consistently high quality of products. Scheduled training and retraining of technical and engineering personnel of the company is also conducted. Most of the technical and engineering staff has been trained in Japan.
Moskabel-Fujikura's Quality Management System is certified for the following systems:
- in the international system of voluntary certification AFNOR and IQNet certificate of compliance with the QMS requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard;
- in the system of voluntary certification Register of Management Systems the certificate of conformity of the QMS requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 standard;
- in the system of voluntary certification Military Register the certificate of conformity of the QMS requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and GOST RV 0015-002-2012 standards.
In addition, the company has introduced and effectively operates Environmental Management System, which meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 14001-2016 standartd (ISO 14001:2015 standard).
Stable high quality of products
he company observes the standards, carries out full conformity of technical characteristics of a cable to declared in technical conditions, has own testing laboratory.
Wide range of production opportunities
The company has optical cables with different manufacturers and different types of fibers, optical cables filled with up to 1152 fibers with tensile force up to 100 kN. Moskabel-Fujikura also has the ability to develop cables of non-standard designs.
Economic benefit
The company offers favorable prices for multi-fiber optical cables, and also has a range of lightweight economical cable designs.
Customer support
Moskabel-Fujikura provides pre-sale consultations, calculation of remote control for overhead cables, assistance in the selection of cables and equipment for the installation of fiber optic cables. The company also has a large stock of optical cables of various sizes (over 2 thousand km).
For the last five years Moskabel-Fujikura has supplied optical cables to Great Britain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Chile, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Czech Republic and the Commonwealth of Independent States countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia). In the next three years the company's management intends to double export supplies.
The company's regular customers include: Rostelecom, MTS, Megafon, Vympelcom, Transneft, Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, Avtodor, Rosseti, National Telecommunications Operator of Belarus Beltelecom, the Ministry of Defense, Moscow Metro and many others.