Russian company HARZ Labs is engaged in production of high-quality photopolymers for 3D printing and is the leader in the Russian market in this sector. The company offers a wide range of products for DLP/LCD, SLA, CJP and other technologies. HARZ Labs photopolymers are widely used in medicine, particularly in dentistry. The polymers are used to produce temporary structures (crowns, bridges), surgical templates, mouthguards, aligners, gum models, demonstration models of teeth, master models, models used for direct casting and other necessary dental materials.
The company started its work in 2017 after five years of research in polymer chemistry in Moscow, and already in 2018 opened its warehouse and branch in Latvia to export products to the European market. Today HARZ Labs exports innovative materials for 3D printing of its own production to more than 60 countries. During the last three years the sales of the company's products have grown by more than 15%.
About products
HARZ Labs manufactures photopolymers for the desktop LCD/DLP, SLA technologies, designed for modeling surgical templates, demonstration models of crowns, bridges, printing transparent aligners, mouthguards, creating computed tomography templates to facilitate the subsequent alignment of the scanned jaw and computed tomography, dental gum models. These types of polymers are also required for printing luminous models as well as for daily use in 3D printers. The materials are created odorless, which allows customers to work indoors without ventilation.
Also photopolymers of HARZ Labs are used for any kind of industrial 3D printers. In this case, the presence of its own scientific base allows the company to refine the materials for 3D-printers of its customers both in terms of reactivity and physical and mechanical characteristics.
In addition, the company produces polyamides for SLS printing technology and plaster composites for printing on CJP technology.
The production process of HARZ Labs consists of five stages. The first stages are incoming inspections of raw materials in its own laboratory, obtaining premixes by pre-dispersion of pigments and fillers using high-tech equipment. The third and fourth stages are to bring the photopolymer composition to the required viscosity, as well as to control the quality of the obtained products: 3D printing of test samples and study of physical and mechanical characteristics. At the final stage, the products are packed and after that moved to the warehouse.
HARZ Labs cooperates with the largest institutes and dental companies and laboratories all over the world. Among the leading partners of HARZ Labs: Star Smile, Rikom group of companies, Articon , TS Dental Group
Activities and achievements
Every year 3D printing technologies master new areas of application - architecture, construction, medicine, industrial production, IT-development, art. That is why the specialists of HARZ Labs constantly conduct research of materials produced to meet the needs of customers and make 3D printing easy and affordable for everyone.
High quality materials for 3D printing allowed HARZ Labs to enter the world market. The growth of profits and exports from year to year are in dynamics.
Thus, for the last three years the growth of export activity of HARZ Labs was more than 17%, and the growth of profit - more than 15% annually. In numerical terms, the company's turnover reaches 40 million rubles per year, and the proceeds from export - about 10 million rubles. At the same time, the net profit of HARZ Labs for the last year amounted to 3 million rubles, while the year before - 1 million rubles. In general, the company's export accounts for more than 10% of the total income of the company. At the same time, the company management is ready to allocate more than 3 million rubles a year for the development of this direction.
The company's turnover reaches
the proceeds from export - about 10 million rublesPlans for the future
At present, the priority for the company is to implement a quality management system according to ISO 13485 standart and obtain European medical certification according to MDR 2017/745 standart. The company has also started active development and testing of a new material - engineering photopolymers.
In the nearest future the company intends to obtain the status of a resident of the Skolkovo innovation cluster. The plans include expansion of the partner pool and cooperation with the largest high-tech companies in the United Arab Emirates, India, Denmark, Vietnam, Portugal, Germany, Turkey and Algeria.
Exports innovative materials to more than
60 countries worldwideGrowth of income in the domestic and foreign markets is more than 10% annually
The leader among manufacturers of photopolymers for 3D printing technology in Russia
High-tech innovative materials for 3D printing technology in various applications
HARZ LabsRussia, Moscow region, Mytischi, 51A, Silikatnaya ulitsa, building 1
+7 495 291-02-00