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About 35 million rubles were received by Udmurt organizations for the implementation of their projects


The results of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives competition were summed up in Udmurtia. About 40 projects in the field of art, creative technologies, cultural education, urban studies, multimedia, fashion, music and design received grants for 35 million rubles.

According to the website of the government of the Udmurt Republic, not only non-governmental non-profit organizations, but also municipal institutions, commercial organizations and even individual entrepreneurs could take part in the competition. The largest grant went to the L.V. Mamontova Children's Choreographic School, which presented the Italmas Invites project. Its size was 6 million rubles.

Another large grant in the amount of 3.5 million rubles was received by the municipal youth theater "Young Man", which submitted the project "Urban Space of Meanings "Young Man" to the competition of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. It is planned that theater productions with interactive elements, open-air lectures and theater workshops will be shown in the courtyard of the theater.

The Udmurt youth public organization "Shundy", which submitted the project of the festival of modern youth ethnoculture "Tangyra", won 1.3 million rubles. It is expected that Finno-Ugric musical groups and young fashion designers will take part in it.

The non-profit organization "Volunteers of Culture" will receive a grant of 2.9 million rubles to create the Eurasian Prize in the field of journalism, literature and media "BRIDGE". The Cultural Volunteers plan to encourage and support Russian-speaking writers and journalists living abroad.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Alexander Baigazin

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