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The Yagom Ecopark in Nizhnevartovsk will resemble the Moscow Botanical Garden


Nizhnevartovsk will open part of the Yagom ecopark for visiting Vartov residents on October 7. This was announced by the head of the ecology department of the city Oleg Popenko. "Yagom" is located in urban forests, its area is more than 30 hectares."We plan to announce a free visit to the ecopark on October 7.

Up to this point, equipment is working there on weekdays, so we ask residents to refrain from walking. At the time of opening, there will also be a coastal zone, sports and walking trails, glamping installed," URA reports.EN Popenko's words.

The construction of the ecopark will be completed in 2023, but then it will be gradually developed — they will make an ornithological station and a zone for growing red book plants. The ecopark will be created, focusing on the Moscow Botanical Garden.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Olga Paramonova

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