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By 2030, personal reception in state authorities will completely replace appeals to the MFC


In 10 years, the number of Russians who applied to multifunctional centers has increased sevenfold. According to the head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov, the MFC system is unique because it connects the state and society."It is based on client–centricity, an individual approach to solving specific life situations of each person.

Today, there are MFC in all 85 regions of the country, in almost any locality, where citizens come to solve a variety of issues – to get a passport, a child's birth certificate, a driver's license, open their own business, issue a pension or register at their place of residence, and much more," the minister's words are quoted on the agency's website. Currently, more than 350 services and services are available, while 630 thousand people visit these centers every day.

For 10 years, additional services and services have appeared here. For example, the issuance of COVID certificates, registration in the ESIA, the issuance of fan passports, as well as the formation of electronic duplicates of documents and others. The ministry notes that, as part of the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, in two years at least 80 percent of people's face-to-face appeals for public services of federal authorities should be received through the MFC, and by 2030 this figure should be 100 percent and personal reception of citizens will be completely stopped in state agencies.

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Author: Natalia Alyoshina

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