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Industrial enterprises of Kemerovo will allocate 30 billion rubles for eco-programs


The industrial enterprises of Kemerovo within the framework of the federal project "Clean Air" have formed their environmental programs and intend to invest about 30 billion rubles in their implementation until 2027. This was announced at an extraordinary session of the City Council by the acting head of the city Dmitry Anisimov.

"The most exciting issue for Kemerovo residents today is the issue of ecology, it requires an integrated approach. The first is working with our industry, implementing environmental programs of industrial enterprises, creating new modernized production facilities that use more environmentally friendly processes. All the formed programs include a set of events worth more than 30 billion rubles over five years," Anisimov said.

It should be noted that in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal project "Clean Air" included 29 new cities with a high level of atmospheric pollution. Kemerovo is among them.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Alexander Baigazin

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