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Ministry of Agriculture: farms in Russia with more than 1 thousand cows have profitability above 23%


Farms with more than a thousand heads of cattle in Russia have a profitability of over 23%. They are more resistant to market changes and fluctuations in milk prices. This is evidenced by the analysis of the reporting of milk producers in the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Andrey Razin said at the Novosibirsk Agro-food Forum on Thursday.

"We looked at the basis of the official reporting of enterprises, what about the profitability of these enterprises - in general, profitability exceeds the threshold of 23-24% for farms with a livestock of more than 1 thousand heads. Everyone who has a smaller livestock on the farm has a positive profitability, but it is much smaller and less resistant to market changes in terms of responding to challenges: changes in dynamics, cost structure or milk prices. They are less resistant to these fluctuations," Razin said.

According to him, at the moment more than 50% of milk is produced at dairy enterprises with a livestock of more than 800 heads, 44% of milk is produced at enterprises with a livestock of more than 1,000 heads.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Alexander Baigazin

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