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​A measuring vessel with modern high-precision equipment was manufactured in Samara


Samara Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant has manufactured a measuring vessel of the class PPR "X O 2 (ice 20) A" of the project RDB 66.62 "Vasily Arshinov".

According to the portal "Made with us" with reference to Rosmorrechflot, this is the third such vessel out of eight that are being built as part of the event "Updating the service fleet" of the Comprehensive Plan for modernization and Expansion of the trunk infrastructure for the administrations of the basins of the inland waterways of the Russian Federation by order of the Rechvodput institution.

The design of the vessel was carried out by the Rostov Central design Bureau "Stapel". It is known that it was created for measuring works and hydrographic surveys and is equipped with a bow thruster with a power of 15 kW.

"To perform soundings and hydrographic surveys, the vessel is equipped with a modern high-precision, high-speed automated soundings complex, which allows performing continuous scanning of the bottom of the water area, creating a 3D relief of the bottom of the water area, calculations and control of dredging volumes," the source says. The length of the vessel is 24.31 meters, width — 5.76 meters, height — 13.40 meters, side height — 2.20 meters.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Natalia Alyoshina

Made in Russia // Made in Russia

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