
Russia ranked 40th out of 111 in terms of English language proficiency


In the rating of English proficiency EF English Proficiency Index, Russia rose by 11 lines over the year and took 40th place out of 111. The five most English-speaking Russian cities included Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and Pyatigorsk.

Russia ranked 40th out of 111 in terms of English language proficiency, the global EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) study by EF Education First (available Inc.) showed. The top 5 included the Netherlands, Singapore, Austria, Norway and Denmark.

The rating is based on data on 2.1 million people from 100 countries and regions of the world for whom English is not their native language. The respondents took the EF SET test, which determines the level of language proficiency according to the CEFR system adopted in the European Union, where A1 is initial, and C2 is professional. Russia is next in the ranking with Belarus (39th place) and Ghana (41st).

Experts called the demand for intensive courses a characteristic trend of 2022. This may be due to the focus on the rapid expansion of academic and career opportunities with the help of a foreign language. Russia has entered the group of countries with an average level of English proficiency. It also includes Italy, Spain and France, which took 32-34 places respectively.

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