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There is no need to worry: prices for delicacies before the new year in Russia will not rise as usual


Retail chains will not raise prices for delicacies that Russians are used to buying for the New Year's table. As specified by "", we are talking about fish, caviar, sausages, fruits and sparkling wine. "Retailers will actually voluntarily freeze the cost of such products with the help of promotions, discounts and attractive prices in order not to lose customers," the agency clarifies.

According to the source, during the period of over-demand, delicatessen products increase in price by up to 15 percent. This year, the Ministry of Agriculture promises Russians a rise in price by a maximum of 1-2 percent.

But champagne will increase in price at the end of December — experts predict an increase in the cost of sparkling alcoholic beverage by 40 percent.

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Author: Natalia Alyoshina

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