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Far Eastern scientists have created packaging that extends the shelf life of products


Scientists of the Advanced Engineering School of the Far Eastern Federal University have come up with and created SMART packaging to determine the shelf life of meat and fish products. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the edible film prolongs the shelf life of the product, since it protects the surface of the product from harmful effects. The developers say that the price of their packaging is higher than the average market price for biodegradable packaging, but has no analogues.

According to Natalia Chesnokova, associate Professor of the Department of Food Sciences and Technologies at the Advanced Engineering School of the University, extending the shelf life of goods is an important task for Russia's food security. "The demand for minimally processed food is expanding, which leads to the development of new technologies as an alternative to thermal and chemical processing," she says.

It is known that SMART packaging is elastic, it is not afraid of deformations. The film is bright red in color with a thickness of 0.2 millimeters and consists of polysaccharides and anthocyanins.

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Author: Natalia Alyoshina

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