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The government has approved compensation for the costs of creating agricultural facilities


The allocation of funds to compensate for the costs of creating and modernizing the facilities of the agro-industrial complex was approved by the Government of the country. The information is published by the government press service.

So it became known that the Ministry of Agriculture has been allocated budget allocations from the reserve fund for targeted inter-budget transfers. In addition, money has been allocated from the federal treasury to the budgets of the constituent entities of Russia to co-finance expenditure obligations to reimburse part of the direct costs of creating or modernizing agro-industrial facilities.

The press service clarifies that "the draft order is aimed at ensuring accelerated import substitution, increasing the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products in the domestic and foreign markets, stimulating the growth of production of basic types of agricultural products and increasing the financial stability of agricultural producers."

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Dmitry Soroka

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