Import substitution

Chelyabinsk has created technologies that will allow replacing imports


Scientists from Chelyabinsk have created a thermal shock thermoelectric material that will help create various technical devices to replace imports. According to associate professor of Chelyabinsk State University (ChelSU) Elena Belaya, a patent was received for the development of a method for obtaining copper aluminate.

"We came to the conclusion that the heating mode significantly affects the phase composition of the final product. As a result, we realized that it is necessary to use heat stroke in the synthesis of delaffosite," URA said.EN White.

ChelSU scientists have created copper aluminate. The material is used in the creation of technical devices. As thermoelectric materials, it is used in electric generators. In this case, the units receive a number of advantages: simple design, no moving parts, silent operation and increased reliability. Other applications: as transparent electrodes in flat panel displays, solar cells and touch panels. The created equipment comes to replace imported analogues.

The development was created at the Department of Solid State Chemistry and Nanoprocesses. Besides Belaya, the now deceased professor of the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University Valery Viktorov, associate Professor of the Department of ChelSU Igor Kovalev, graduate student Alexander Makogon and graduate student of the university Maria Prokopenko took part in the work.

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