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About 1.5 billion rubles of investments were attracted to projects by StartHub participants.Moscow


Almost one and a half billion rubles of investment attracted the development of young companies of the capital, participants of StartHub.Moscow. Representatives of India and the UAE became interested in some projects. This is written on the website of the mayor of the capital.

"Participants of the third StartHub stream.Moscow has attracted more than 400 million rubles in the form of venture financing and government support. 60% of all residents have increased their revenue. In total, the young companies of the capital attracted almost 1.5 billion rubles of investments in their projects and more than 700 thousand B2C clients in Russia and abroad," the report says.

As an example, one of the participants developed an Antison driver condition monitoring system. The analysis is carried out by a neural network, and when it detects such alarming signs as falling asleep or loss of attention, it sends a signal, and also instantly reports to the monitoring center. Since 2019, the Antison system has been operating in the rolling stock of the Moscow Metro.

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Dmitry Soroka

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