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Moscow has become the most popular city among Russians for trips during the New Year holidays

Moscow has become the most popular city among Russians for trips during the New Year holidays


The travel planning service OneTwoTrip found out from its customers where they usually celebrate the New Year, how they spend their winter holidays and what plans they have this year. "Newspaper.Ru" got acquainted with the results of the study.

It turned out that more than half of the respondents, or 53.8%, most often celebrate New Year's Eve at home. 20.8% have no established tradition, 12.1% go to another city, 8% to another country, and 4.8% go to nature.

Of the Russian destinations this year, the majority will go to Moscow — the capital won 16.8% of the votes. Sochi is in second place, 9% of respondents are going to rest here, 7.3% will spend holidays in St. Petersburg, Kazan (6.7% of respondents will go here) and Tyumen (4%) complete the top five popular cities.

Thailand has become the leader of the rating of foreign destinations for trips for the upcoming holidays, where 16% of the service's customers plan to go. The UAE closes the top three popular countries (13% of respondents planned to travel here) and Turkey (10.2%). The top 5 countries also included Egypt (9.3% of respondents) and Belarus — 6.5%.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Polina Khaustova

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