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After 200 years, geologists have found the root source of Ural diamonds

After 200 years, geologists have found the root source of Ural diamonds

Geologists of the Ural Mining University (UGSU) first discovered a diamond crystal in the bedrock deposits of the Permian period of the Paleozoic era during an expedition near the Sylva River in the Sverdlovsk region. About this "Newspaper.Ru" was told in the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Priority 2030".

The diamond was found in a 10-kilogram sample of brecciated rocks – in the territory covered by taiga on the western border of the region. Scientists noted that the first Russian diamonds were found in 1829 in the Urals, since then they have been searching for the root source of minerals for almost 200 years.

"Now it is necessary to continue the study of potentially diamond-bearing rocks discovered by the authors and conduct large-volume testing. In case of a positive result, it is possible to open a new diamond–bearing node," geologist Georg Petrov noted.

Photo: Ural Mining University

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