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International Children's Goods Industry Business Mission to be held online in autumn

International Children's Goods Industry Business Mission to be held online in autumn

The Russian Export Center (REC) is organizing the International Business Mission of the Children's Goods Industry to be held online from September 15 to October 15.

"Targeted negotiations will be organized for the participating companies (exporters) of the business mission with foreign buyers who have expressed interest in purchasing products. Organization of online meeting will take place only in case of mutual interest of exporter and potential buyer in convenient for participants time",- said in REC's message.

Entrepreneurs may apply for participation in the event electronically via the exporter's personal account on the "My Export" portal There is no need to bring original documents to the REC office. Applications will be accepted until August 16. You can read more about how to do this here.

Made in Russia // Made in Russia

    Author: Karina Kamalova
