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"Made in Russia" - main news for December 9

"Made in Russia" - main news for December 9

The tourist flow in the Russian Federation in winter can reach up to 18 million peopleThis is 8% more than in the same period of 2021.

At the moment, the office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko records the readiness of most Russian regions and tourist clusters to receive a large influx of tourists.

The Russian-Chinese agropark is planned to be created in PrimoryeThe agreement of intent has already been signed by the Governor of the region Oleg Kozhemyako and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Legendagro" Ren Jianchao.

The agreement implies the volume of capital investments of more than 5 billion rubles, the creation of at least 400 new jobs.

Russian entrepreneurs have received preferential loans for the development of the tourism businessThis year, entrepreneurs, according to the Central Bank, received loans for 77 billion rubles in the tourism sector, of which a quarter — 18.5 billion rubles — are preferential lending programs for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The funds went to infrastructure development, construction and renovation of hotels, hotels.

Far Eastern mortgage decided to extendThe Government of the country has decided to extend the Far Eastern mortgage program until the end of 2030.

About 70 billion rubles are provided for the implementation of the program in 2023-2025. The Prime Minister also drew attention to the fact that over 55 thousand loans for the purchase or construction of housing at a preferential rate of 2% were issued during the three years of the program.

"We are at the beginning of the road." Roscosmos enterprise creates a water-powered engineSpecialists of the company "Roscosmos" "Torch" create an engine running on water.

According to the director of the plant Gennady Abramenkov, there are already engines running on electrolysis, but his team is creating a new one.

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